Friday, April 15, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 51

 The final chapter of Ben Sira consist of two prayers and an autobiagraphical footnote. The two prayers are beautiful prayers thanking God for his steadfast love and protection. It is the footnote that I found particularly intersting.

Ben Sira reminds us that he asked for wisdom...He sought her out in all his travels. But he is not ther yet as he says "and I will search for her until the end. " (51:14). And therein lies the challenge for us. We are never "there." We are Always on The Journey." 

Happy Easter!

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 50

 Chapter 50 ends the section on honoring our ancestors in the faith and it moves into a benediction.

In the epilogue we hear who writes this book. "Instruction in understanding and knowledge I have written in this book, Jesus son of Eleazar son of Sirach of Jerusalem." (50:27) And then he issues this challenge: "Happy are those who concern themselves with these things, and those who lay them to heart will become wise." (50:28).

I hope you have enjoyed walking with Ben Sira through this season of Lent. As we enter into these three days of the Triduum may we do so with the Wisdom of Ben Sira as our guide.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 49

I love this line about Josiah: He kept his heart fixed on the Lord (49:3). 

Archbishop Daniel's episcopal motto was Seek the Face of the Lord. That is what life is all about. I was talking with one of my priest friends who said of his life: "Someday I wuld like someone to say of me--he drew closer to God day by day." 

I love that image and would be happy if people could say that of me upon my death.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 48

Elijah and Elisha were two great prophets. 

I love the defintion of a prophet as one who comforts the afflicted and afflicts the comfortable. I have had many prophetic people in my life. Back when I was in seminary, I didn't always pray the Liturgy of the Hours. These are the prayers that all priests commit to praying every day. I prayed them some, but certainly not every day. I figured I would begin praying them daily once it was required! I mentioned this to a priest who said to me: "Tom, if you are not praying them now, you probably won't pray them later." I took that to heart and began praying them each day.

Who are the prophets in your life? Who comforts you when you are afflicted and afflicts you when you are comfortable? 

Monday, April 11, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 47

David, Solomon, Rehoboam and Jeroboam.

What I find interesting about these four is that all four were flawed individuals. honoring these four is a reminder to me that no one is perfect and God can use anyone to accomplish his will. David was an adulterer and murderer but is often revered as the greatest kings of Israel.

Ben Sira reminds us that Solomon ruled in peace becasue of his father David. He grew up with wisdom but also failed in great ways. Perhaps this is why people in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks. Because we all live in glass houses.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 46


Caleb and Joshua are honored because they led the people of Israel into the promised land (46:8)


Ben Sira also honors the “judges.” The judges were men and women set apart to help the 12 tribes of Israel stay on track. They aren’t judges who wear long black robes and hang out in courtrooms. They are local elders chosen by God’s Spirit to lead Israel in times of crisis.


We all need people to help us in times of crisis. Who are the “judges” in your life?

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapters 44-45

 Sorry I missed a day. 

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 44

The next several chapters of this book recount champions of our faith. These men (remember me saying Ben Sira was a bit of a sexist by today’s standards) were the heroes of the Old Testament. I don’t know if your Bible tells you where to find their stories or not, but if it does you would do well to read their stories so you too can see how they are heroes in their own right. 

In this chapter we look at Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Of these the story of Abraham touches me the most. Abraham’s story begins in Genesis 12:1 and continues through Genesis 25:11. 

What has always struck me about Abraham was his authenticity. When God promises him that he will be the father of many descendants, Abraham and Sarah both laugh at the prospect (see Genesis 17:17 & 18:12). Abraham & Sarah were real before God, but they were also faithful. God sends them to an unknown land (“A land I will show you” Genisis12:1). They went. God promises them a child but makes them wait for 25 years even though they are already old but they wait for the child. God asks him some years later to sacrifice his child and he is willing to do it.

Whenever I read this story I am challenged to examine my own faith before God.

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 45

Who are your heroes? Who are the people you look up to? As Ben Sira continues to recount the heroes of the faith (in this chapter Moses, Aaron and Phineas), he holds them up as heroes for us to emulate. So, who are your heroes? Maybe it is a relative you know to be wise; maybe it is a former teacher or coach. 

I think the people we hold up as heroes says as much about us as it does about them. If our heroes are people of faith, maybe that is because we value faith. If our heroes are people of action, maybe it is because we value action. Ben Sira values people who have their hearts fixed on God. Now that’s a person I can look up to as well. 

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 43

I enjoy being outdoors. I love taking walks or going on hikes. I enjoy the smell of fresh cut grass. I can remember being in Rocky Mountain National Park one time and looking up at millions and millions of stars. I love the sunset over the Grand Canyon and always stop to look when I see a rainbow. I find God in nature and Chapter 42 tells us Ben Sira does as well. When was the last time you thanked God for the gift of nature?  

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 42

I guess it would be fair to say that Ben Sira was sexist by today's standards. Women did not get a fair shake in those times or in the mind of Ben Sira. What we need to remember is the bible was written by people who lived in a certain time and with certain cultural standards. But cultural standards don't always reflect the truth of God. Today our church teaches the equality in dignity of all people, men and women alike! 

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 41

One of the real joys of my priesthood was the two years I was chaplain for an AIDS Hospice in Indianapolis. This was back in 1990-1992 when the AIDS crisis was still somewhat stigmatized. But the men and women I met who were battleing this disease and facing the end of their lives were among the most joyous people I have ever met.

I remember Richard, an actor. We would sit for long periods of time talking about his love of theater. There was Mary who had been a nurse during her working life. She loved to talk about her times working in the emergency room at a local hospital.

There is something wonderful about facing death with dignity and that is what I saw time and time again.

Monday, April 4, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 40

Have you ever felt beat down by life? Ben Sira might have felt that way. The first part of this chapter deals with the difficulty that life sometimes brings us.  Hard work, perplexity, anger, envy, trouble and unrest are part of every life from time to time.

Have you every felt life was wondreful and a great joy? Ben Sira must have felt that as well. The second part of this chapter deals with that. Wealth and wages, children and property, good music and friends make life worth the living.

Perhaps this chapter is an invitation to savor life both in good times and in bad.

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 39

The person who has the opportunity to study the Bible and does not do so is no better off than the person who is not allowed to study it in the first place. We often remark how great it is that we live in a country of religious freedom, but it only benefits us if we practice our religion. I think Ben Sira would agree.

In the beginning of this chapter Ben Sira praises the work of the scribe--the one who does a deep dive into the Word of God. And then, as if to make his point, he offers a lengthy praise of God himself. It's as if Ben Sira realizes that once you delve deeply into God's Word, the only response is to praise God!

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 38

Ever since the pandemic began there has been more support than normal for the health care professionals: the doctors and nurses who risked their own lives to serve those who were sick. Especially at the beginning of the pandemic, when we still didn't know a lot about the disease, they were there.  If you know someone that is a health care profession, please thank them for me and for Ben Sira because that is what the first part of this chapter is about!

The seocnd part of this chapter deals with respect for the dead. One of the things I love about our Catholic faith is the way we honor the dead. From the visitation at the funeral home, to the Mass of Christian Burial, to the procession to the graveside and completing with the Commital Rite. There is in this whole service a certain timing that allows us to properly grieve. Ben Sira reminds us of the importance of grief. 

St. Paul will later say that we grieve as Christians but we grieve differently becasue of our hope in Christ Jesus! 1 Thessalonians 4:13

Friday, April 1, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 37

I have been blessed to have some great friends walk with me in this life. And I have known some people that only wanted to be friends with me because I'm a priest, because I'm "Father" Tom. I think it was Kahlil Gibran who wrote in The Prophet that: "Your friend is your needs met." In other words, like Ben Sira says, a good friend is of great value. 

This whole chapter deals with things that can be good, but can also turn out to be bad: friends (verses 1-6), advice (verses 7-15), and wisdom (verses 16-26). And then he expounds on the virtue of moderation. He says this in terms of food, but I think it applies in friendships, advice and wisdom as well.