Sunday, February 27, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 3

Chapter 3 deals with three main topics: responsibility to parents; humility; and docility. It makes me wonder if he believes these to be connected. The first section is often used at funerals-especially if the person were a father...Those who honor their father will have joy in their children...(v5) Those who respect their father will live a long life...(v6) He then gives some sage advice in verses 12 & 13: "My son be steadfast in honoring your father, do not grieve him as long as he lives. Even if his minds fails, be considerate of him, do not revile him because you are in your prime." That is probably why humility and docility tie into this. When we are young, we know it all! What is the old saying, "The older I get the smarter my parents are!" Those are my thoughts...leave yours in the comments.


  1. Because the nuclear family is a faint shadow of the richness of the Holy Trinity, it appears Sirach is laying the foundation for our understanding of the great mystery of Three Persons, One God. He lists physical relationships with physical actions to guide our spiritual relationships and actions. "Practice makes perfect" and by practicing love, honor, humility, and obedience in an earthly setting, we gain insight into the less obvious, but equally important spiritual setting. Or perhaps I just drank too much coffee this morning.

  2. too much coffee ot not I think you are on to something.


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