Monday, February 26, 2018

February 26, 2018   Chapter 26   Making It Real

      I enjoyed this chapter and the imaginary conversation with Mary of Magdala. I always like stories like this that help the Gospel come alive. We often forget that Jesus lived in a real time, among real people and places. I can picture me walking with Mary and hearing of her conversations and experiences with this carpenter named Jesus.
      To the question, do you ever have doubts, she answers, "Sometimes I think his message is the crazy dreams of poets, and artists, the fantasies of children at play..." I think of how often people of Jesus' time had to make it real in their own lives. Mary does that at the end of this chapter when she reminds us, "When you believe you make it real. 'You change this'--she points to her head--'and this'--she points to her heart--'and you change all this.' She gestures to indicate the whole world."
      It reminds me of the person who said,  Never think for one moment that one person can not change the world. It is all that ever has.


  1. I really liked how Mary said, ,Perhaps what is truly crazy is what we are doing instead-thinking a little more hate can conquer hate,a little more war can cure war, a little more pride can overcome pride, a little more revenge can end revenge, a little more gold can cure greed, or a little more division can create cohesion." That to me is a perfect image of where our world is today. And Mary is correct, only the message of Jesus can change all that.

  2. I connected with the version of "faith" that's on page 122 middle of the third paragraph, "Do you see this? When people trust it is true, they act upon it, and it becomes true.

    I think today, there an interesting God-cidence happened. Someone asked me "where is your faith place?"

    Then I read this reflection (behind on schedule), and it so happens to be on faith.

    I have to say I am struggling to walk in faith. My mind has been programmed to seek for evidence. As I jump into this entrepreneurship of coaching & leadership development, I am wrestling with it because I have never done it before (on my own).


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