Monday, February 19, 2018

February 19, 2018  Chapter 25 Jesus, Violence, and Power

Once again, Peter is both the hero and the goat! Once again, what Peter (and all the others for that matter) thought and believed and anticipated was not exactly what Jesus had in mind. The amazing thing is that I'm not sure we have learned that lesson even today.
     With yet another school shooting somewhat behind us, we will hear the talking heads on FOX and CNN speaking about the other guys and why what they think is wrong. We will hear each of them expounding the right interpretation of the 2nd Amendment. What we won't hear any of them really talk about is what in our culture still makes all of think that violence and strength and might are still the best way to exercise power.
     As I read through this chapter in light of the Douglas High School shooting, I couldn't help but wonder what Jesus would say as he took a field trip there...or to Columbine...or to Sandy Hook...or to Orlando or Vegas...or to where ever the next one will occur.
     It seems to me that 2000 years have come and gone and we are no closer to the world that Jesus envisioned for us than we were when we were standing outside Caesarea Philippi.
     But it seems too easy to say "we." I think for me I have to look at the "me" and not the "we." In what ways do I still miss the point. In what ways do I still use violence (the harsh word; the critical comment; the angry outburst; the passive aggressive action, the sarcastic phrase).
     Perhaps it is time for me to pray for healing and change in me.

1 comment:

  1. I connected with the lines talking about how fear cannot conquer fear.

    It's unfortunate to know that by the time I post this there have already been at least 2 more high school incidents.

    Somehow we still think taking away the guns is what will address the problem.

    On a different side of the spectrum, I am paying more attention to what I give my time and how I am perceiving the world.

    There's a lot I need to do in order to take care of me and how I make a difference in the world. I am slowly but surely changing my perspective.


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