I’ve learned a little bit about Portuguese weather. 90% chance of rains means it won’t rain; 30% means you’ll get drenched. We had a 30% chance today. Actually the team was only for about an hour and a half.
My spirits remain good and I’m still glad I came. In fact, already thinking about The Return to The Camino. There is a sense of peace as you walk with hundreds of other pilgrims toward our common goal: the Church of St. James in Santiago de Compostela. There is a lot of mutual support from other pilgrims calling out the phrase “bon Camino” in many languages. Someone told me that the Camino gives you energy and I’ve found that to be true.
I was worried about back to back long days on the Camino, but I’m glad to report I’m still doing well. My spirits are high. My body is 80%. A little hikers rash on my legs but my feet are still solid.
Tomorrow is a smaller day-12 mikes I think. Pictures on Facebook.
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