Sorry I missed a day.
Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 44
The next several chapters of this book recount champions of our faith. These men (remember me saying Ben Sira was a bit of a sexist by today’s standards) were the heroes of the Old Testament. I don’t know if your Bible tells you where to find their stories or not, but if it does you would do well to read their stories so you too can see how they are heroes in their own right.
In this chapter we look at Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Of these the story of Abraham touches me the most. Abraham’s story begins in Genesis 12:1 and continues through Genesis 25:11.
What has always struck me about Abraham was his authenticity. When God promises him that he will be the father of many descendants, Abraham and Sarah both laugh at the prospect (see Genesis 17:17 & 18:12). Abraham & Sarah were real before God, but they were also faithful. God sends them to an unknown land (“A land I will show you” Genisis12:1). They went. God promises them a child but makes them wait for 25 years even though they are already old but they wait for the child. God asks him some years later to sacrifice his child and he is willing to do it.
Whenever I read this story I am challenged to examine my own faith before God.
Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 45
Who are your heroes? Who are the people you look up to? As Ben Sira continues to recount the heroes of the faith (in this chapter Moses, Aaron and Phineas), he holds them up as heroes for us to emulate. So, who are your heroes? Maybe it is a relative you know to be wise; maybe it is a former teacher or coach.
I think the people we hold up as heroes says as much about us as it does about them. If our heroes are people of faith, maybe that is because we value faith. If our heroes are people of action, maybe it is because we value action. Ben Sira values people who have their hearts fixed on God. Now that’s a person I can look up to as well.
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