Thursday, March 10, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 14

As many of you know I am a big Dave Ramsey fan. Now I know he can be bombastic in his radio show, but most of his principles are biblically sound. 

One of his key concepts is that money is amoral. It is neither good nor bad. It simply exists. It is what we do with money that determines its value. 

I love verse 5: Riches are inappropriate for the small-minded person...I think Ben Sira is saying what Jesus said once, "To whom much has been given, much will be expected." Luke 12:48

I think Ben Sira would agree that the amount of money that money is not good or bad. It's the person using it that is good or bad. How we use whatever we have, be it a little or be it a lot, is where we will be accountable to God. 

I also like how this chapter eventually leads to the value of seeking wisdom (verses 20-27). It is true wisdom that tells us how we use all of God's blessings.

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