Thursday, March 31, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 36

This chapter begins with a prayer for God's people. In it Ben Sira asks God to "rouse your anger and pour out your wrath; destroy the adversary and wipe out the enemy." Sometimes when I hear things like that in the Old Testament it is a bit disconcerting. Until I remember that the enemy is the devil. Whenever we hear of God wiping out a people in battle, my Old Testament teacher Fr. Tim Schere would say: "We need to remember they represent all the evil in the world--they represent the devil." When I think of it that way, I am glad that God is there to wipe out the devil in my life and in our world and it can't happen soon enough!

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 35

 Let God be God! I think this summs up chapter 35 which speaks of God's Divine Justice. We can't bribe God (v14). God is impartial (v15). God looks out for widows and orphans (vs17-19). Those who serve are pleasing to God (v20. Finally God's mercy comes like rain after a drought (v26). I like that last image of God's justice. It is a reminder that even if at times we don't see it (times of drought), God's mercy is still there waiting to be showered upon us.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 34

Ben Sira in this chapter says that dreams don't make sense and believing in them is silly. However, the Bible is full of powerful dreams that seem to come from God. Perhaps the secret in all this is seeing where a dream might lead you. If the dream leads you closer to God and God's work (as it did for St.  Joseph) they can be great things that lead us to God's will.

This chapter contains another section on "fear of the Lord" (read as Awe and Wonder of God). Fear of the Lord leads to life (v14), allows us confidence (v16), makes us happy (v17), shields us (v19), and lifts up our soul and makes our eyes sparkle (v20). I think I like that last one the best!

Monday, March 28, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 33

 "Everybody is different-that's what makes the world interesting." I don't remember which one of my high school teachers used to say that all the time, but I remember the quote. It was usually made when we talked about something that someone did that was hard to explain. Ben Sira talks about this in this chapter. "In the fullness of his knowledge the Lord the Lord distinguished them (humans) and appointed their different ways." 33:11

We were having a similar discussion this past week at our pastoral team meeting as we decided what to do about a particular issue with which we were dealing. It's good to keep that in mind. Not everyone needs to think the way we do. If they did, the world would certainy be a boring place.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 32

Chapter 32 verses 14 and following talk about the Providence of God. Randal huber, a protestant minister, tells this story about God's providence: "While I was a full-time student in seminary my wife, Susan, was a full-time student in college. We both worked low paying, part-time jobs so things were financially tight. Nevertheless, God always provided. One of my favorite saying during this time was, 'He feeds His birds doesn’t He?' 

One day when our bills were due I was walking outside our apartment on a windy day and a five dollar bill blew by my feet. I reached down and picked it up and prayed, “Thank you Lord”. Another time our bank statement showed a large deposit. I asked Susan about it but neither one of us knew how the money got there. None of our friends or relatives knew our account number. I called the bank to tell them there had been a mistake. They assured that there was no mistake. Needless to say, we were dumbfounded. Somehow God mysteriously provided what we needed precisely when we needed it."

Indeed, God's Providence is always with us.

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 31

 When I was a pastor in Indianapolis I was asked to visit the son of a parishioner. He was in prison, convicted of killing two people in a drunk driving accident. While visiting with him he told me a little but about his story. He began driniking when he was 14 and at first he didn't even like it. But his friends all drank and he wanted to be like his friends and so he drank too. Weekend drinking turned to weekday drinking before he left high school. In college he pulled an all nighter but not for studying...for drinking. Early in the morning he was hungry and he drove to get something to eat. That is when the accident happened. He told me that when he got out, he was going to go around to different area high schools and tell his story. 

Ben Sira warns of the trouble with those who drink too much in verses 25-31. I've seen the destruction alcohol brings to so many lives. I guess Ben Sira has too.

Friday, March 25, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 30

 Ben Sira is about to get into trouble! Verse 1: He who loves his son will whip him often...My parents certainly were not beyond a good old fashioned whipping for the 10 of us kids. It didn't happen a lot, but we knew it could always happen. 

I think Ben Sira could just as easily written: They who love their children discipline them often...because the second part of that verse is so true..."so that they may rejoice in how they turn out!"  In that sense, I know Ben Sira is onto something. We have all seen the results of families and parents who have no discipline in their homes. 

Discipline is a necessary part of raising good kids not to be good kids but to be good adults!

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 29

Ben Sira warns us about the problem of borrowing money and loaning money. He doesn't say don't do it as much as he says be careful because it often leads to problems. The old joke, "If  I loan my brother-in-law $1000 and he doens't pay me back and never speaks to me again, was it worth it?" seems to be appropriate here.

He states all of this in the context of not looking down on the poor. That, in and of itself, is solid advice.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 28

There is an old adage that Irish people with Alzheimers only remember their grudges! My experience tells me that lots of people only remember their grudges. How often do I hear someone lament that they can't get over their anger with another. "If you only knew Father what they did to me!" 

Of course, we know that this anger hurts only the person holding it and yet we find it so hard to release it. Ben Sira reminds us today that forgiveness must live in the heart of a person who fears the Lord.

And he puts in the same chapter a caution about gossiping and talking bad about others. Perhaps part of the wisdom of Ben Sira is that he knows these things go hand in hand.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 27

Chapter 27 is a warning to all who do business of any kind: merchants, craftsman, artist--all of us really. Do we act with honesty in all of our dealings? Are we honest when we talk to people? Are we forthright when we buy and sell something? Do we cheat on our taxes? 

Ben Sira reminds us in verse 8 to pursue justice and in verses 11-15 he warns us to be careful how we speak. 

I also like his wording in Verse 27---"whoever winks the eye plots mischief..." I think he is saying that we need to b careful about what we pass off as okay (with a wink and nod). All in all this chapter is a call to be people of intergrity! 

Monday, March 21, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 26

I wonder if my dad ever read this chater from Ben Sira. I think he would have liked it. Much like Proverbs 31:10f, Ben Sira talks about the value of a good wife. 

I've shared this story before. My parents met when they were 14 and freshmen in high school, mom in an all girls school and dan in an all boys school. They dated for 4 years and then got married. They both often remarked how lucky and blessed they were that they grew up together.

Mom was a good wife. Dad was a good husband. They both would sya they wer blessed. 

They lived as husband and wife for 54 years before mom died in 2005. Dad followed her 2 months later. Now they are blessed to be in heaven together.  And I was an am blessed to be their son.

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 25

 This chapter is soemtimes used at funeral but with a slightly different, and I think, somewhat better translation. 

With three things I am delighted,

      for they are pleasing to the Lord and to all.

Harmony among family, friendship among neighbors

and the mutual love of husband and wife.

What you have not saved in your youth,

how will you acquire in your old age?

How becoming to the gray-haired is judgment and a

knowledge of counsel to those on in years!

How becoming to the aged is wisdom,

understanding and prudence to the venerable.

The crown of the aged is wide experience;

their glory is reverence for the Lord.

There are nine who come to my mind as blessed,

a tenth whom my tongue proclaims.

The ones who find joy in their children,

and live to make peace with their enemies.

Happy is the man or woman who dwells

with a sensible spouse.

Who plows not like a donkey

yoked with an ox.

Or gossips not about another.

The one who finds wisdom is great indeed,

but not greater than one who reverences the Lord.

Reverence of the Lord surpasses all else,

its possessor is beyond compare.

Happy Spring everyone!

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 24

I love this chapter. It begins with Ben Sira telling us that Wisdom begins with God and comes forth from God to cover the earth "like a mist" (verse 3). So wisdom can be found everywhere, but God chose to let wisdom "dwell" with the people of Israel. Wisdom was sent to dwell with them (verse 8).

In this chapter wisdom is abundant..."Come you who desire me, and eat your fill of my fruit" v19 Like a canal from a river or a water channel into a garden...wisdom gives us life an dhelps us to grow!

Friday, March 18, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 23

 O  Lord, Father and Master of my life...So Ben Sira begins his prayer asking for help against sinning. It continues through verse 6. A great way to continue our Lenten journey.

Then Ben Sira gives lots of advice about how we speak particularly the use of four letter words! Back when I was on the Indianapolis Fire Department colorful language was a part of life in teh firehouse. I went from there to teaching where colorful language is frowned upon! It took me a while to learn to "watch my language." 

It is interesting that Ben Sira moves from cursing and swearing to sexual sins. In some ways, I think he does this because he realizes that both of these are easy to commit if we don't work to avoid them. 

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 22

Ben Sira continues his examination of conscience. Have you disobeyed or disrespected your parents (22:3-5)? Have you been disloyal in a friendship (22:19-22)? Are you a good neighbor (22:23-26)? Do you guard your tongue or do you use it as aweopon (22:27)?

Actually much of Ben Sira serves as a good examination of consciense. The end of today's chapter and the beginning of tmorrow's chapter offers us a good prayer to make to ask God to help keep us on the right path.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 21

Lent is a wonderful time to do an examination of consciense and make a good confession. For those maybe not familiar with the term, an examination of conscience is taking a hard look at how we live our lives. Are we doing things that we shouldn't do (sins of commission) and are we not doing things that we shuld do (sins of ommission)? 

The wisdom of Ben Sira has lots of pieces to a good examination of conscience:  Have you broken someones trust by telling to others something they told you in confidence (19:5-12)? Do you offend others by your language (20:18-19)? Have you stolen from others (21:8)? Do you act impulsively (21:22) Do you eavesdrop on convesations (21:24). This examination of conscience will continue with the next chapter as well.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 20

Verse 9 says: "There may be good fortune for a person in adversity, and a windfall may result in a loss." It reminds me of a old Chinese legend that goes like this: There once was a father and son who lived together in an old, abandoned fort. One day the man’s horse, his only possession, runs off. One by one his neighbors come and offer their condolences on the bad news. Each time the man would ask, “How do you know this is bad news?” A few days later the horse returned followed by several wild horses. Once again, the neighbors came by and this time they congratulated the man on his good fortune. To which the man replied, “How do you know it is good fortune?” A few days after that, the man’s son was riding one of the wild horses. He fell off and broke his leg. The neighbors came by and expressed their sorrow at his bad luck, To which he obviously replied, “How do you know its bad luck?” Two days later a Chinese War Lord ordered all the able-bodied men into his army. But this man’s son was not sent to war because of his broken leg. The neighbors came again and congratulated him on the good news, to which he replied, “How do you know it is good news.” And on and on. Ben Sira could have easily told that story. 

How many times have I perceived a situation to be bad news only to dsicover that it wasn't. Scripture tells us that the pains of life fall on the good and the bad alike. So too do God's blessings. Perhas we would do well to simply be present in whatever situation we are in and ask ourselves wher we find God in that momemnt.

Monday, March 14, 2022

The Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 19

Ben Sira advises us in this chapter to be caeful of loose talk. The other day someone asked me about something I had supposedly said to another person. She thought it out of character for me (and it would have been had I said it) and just wanted to check with me. We were able to clear up something that was simply a misunderstanding or lack of good communication. Ben Sira would have been proud.

Gossip has a way of hurting people sometimes without anyone even noticing. Proverbs 26:20 reminds us: “Without wood a fire goes out; without gossip a quarrel dies down”  I heard one time an easy way to determine whther or not to say something is to ask these questions befoer you say something: Is it true? Is it helpful to say it? Is it hurtful to say it? Is it necessary to say it? Would God approve of you saying it? Perhaprs there are more that one could add to that list, but I think it's a good start.

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 18

Sorry for missed day. Thought I had completed Sunday's post. Chapter 18 begins extolling the majesty of God. I type these words while in Las Vegas. In a few minutes, I'll be heading to Death Valley National Park. I've never been there before, but if it like most of the parks in this area it will be filled with natural desert beauty. One can certainly see the majesty of God in all the varying types of natural beauty: the vastness of an ocean; the tree covered Smoky Mountains; the rolling hills of Southern Indiana and Kentucky; the snow covered mountains of Alaska. It is easy to thank God for the beauty of the earth and to recognize his majesty in it.

Then Ben Sira shifts to the comapssion of God as if the beauty that God has given us is because of his compassion for us. An intereting thought to ponder. In verse 13 Ben Sira issues a challenge to us. He says that the compassion of human beings is for their neightbor. In other words we are to imitate God in God's compassion. Ben Sira challenges yet again to be "God-like" in showing campassion!

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 17

And God looked at all that he had created and he found it very good. Genesis 1:31 

Chapter 17 picks up wher chapter 16 left off, talking about creation, but specifically the creation of the human person. God made humans out of the earth (v1) with strength like his own and in his own image (v3). He put them in charge of the world (co-creators with God) (v4), gave them knowledge (v 11) and in doing so established a covenant with them (v12).

In spite of this, people sinned and continue to sin. That's why this chapter then leads to a call to repentance. We all need to turn back to God time and time again. 

Friday, March 11, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 16

Chapters 16 and 17 go together. Chapter 16 begins with similar advice we have already heard from Ben Sira: evil bad; wisdom good. But then he takes it a step farther beginning at v24 where he talks about the wisdom found in the created world. This takes us back to Genesis (back to the beginning) where we find that God create everything in good order and found it good. Ben Sira will continue this theme on into tomorrow's reading: chapter 17.

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 15

 One of the first things we learn as human beings is to blame others for our problems. It began with Adam: "The woman that you put here with me made me eat it." Genesis 3:12 

Ben Sira certainly understands this when he says "Do not say 'it is the Lord's doing that I fell away...'" v11 and "Do not say, 'it was he who led me astray...'" And the line where he says, "If you choose you can keep the commandments..." v15, is a reminder that we are each responsible for our actions.

My friends did not make me do that bad thing...My circumstances in life did not prevent me from doing that good thing...Everything in life is a choice. How will you choose this Lent? 

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 14

As many of you know I am a big Dave Ramsey fan. Now I know he can be bombastic in his radio show, but most of his principles are biblically sound. 

One of his key concepts is that money is amoral. It is neither good nor bad. It simply exists. It is what we do with money that determines its value. 

I love verse 5: Riches are inappropriate for the small-minded person...I think Ben Sira is saying what Jesus said once, "To whom much has been given, much will be expected." Luke 12:48

I think Ben Sira would agree that the amount of money that money is not good or bad. It's the person using it that is good or bad. How we use whatever we have, be it a little or be it a lot, is where we will be accountable to God. 

I also like how this chapter eventually leads to the value of seeking wisdom (verses 20-27). It is true wisdom that tells us how we use all of God's blessings.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 13

You are judged by the company you keep. Fair or not, that is the truth. I've heard it said that you will earn close to the same amount of money as your 10 closest friends or acquaintances. All that to say, I think Ben Sira is on to something in the chapter. His advice to "not lift a weight that is too heavy for you" v2 reminds me of my grandmother saying, "Don't think of yourself as too high and mighty."

I found it interesting toward the end of the chapter when he distinguishes between the rich and the humble. It seems that he is saying the humble will be criticized and looked down upon, while the rich will have the appearance of blessings. My experience has been that while many give the wealthy preferential treatment, that wisdom is found in both the rich and the poor. Perhaps that is what he means in v24 "Riches are good if they are free from sin. Poverty is evil only in the opinion of the ungodly." 

For some it is sport to bash the rich. But as a wise priest once pointed out, "The Good Samaritan would not have been able to do anything if he had been poor." He could only take the beaten man to the innkeeper because he had the money to do so. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 12

 God has blessed me in the many friends I have had in my life and also in those friends that later turned out to not be such good friends. But I am blessed to have so many friends who stay with me "through thick and thin."

I found verse 13 a little funny: "Who pities a snake charmer when he is bitten, or all those who go near wild animals." My grandma was fond of saying, "You got what was coming to you." I think Ben Sira and Grandma Clegg are good friends in heaven!

Monday, March 7, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 11

 I know I sound like a broken record but lots of sage advice in chapter 11!

When talking about appearances Ben Sira reminds us that the bee is small but produces honey v3. It's a play on the old adage: looks can be deceiving. 

Do not find fault before you investigate; do not answer before you listen; do not argue about a matter that doesn't concern you; How many figths and arguments would be avoided if we just took those three pieces of advice into our hearts? 

Verse 14 is a particularly challenging verse-"Good things and bad, life and death, poverty and wealth, come from the Lord." I think about how many times I say God has blessed me but I am generally only thinkking about the good things that happen in my life. Ben Sira reminds us that everything is of God.

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 10

Chapter 10 picks up where chapter 9 left off-Concering the Rulers of the World. It is probably good to note here that dividing the Bible into chapters and verses is not something the original authors did, but something we have added later. 

I like the wisdom Ben Sira offers us regarding government. It is a reminder that leaders should focus on the common good. "The government of the earth is in the hand of the Lord, and over it he will raise up the right leader for the time." v4 Maybe this is a good reminder that God's got it...even when we think the politician across the aisle does not get it!

I feel convicted whenever the Bible talks about the sin of pride. As Ben Sira talks about the problems of pride and the value of humilty, I am reminded of CS Lewis' definition of humility. He said, "Humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less."

A final thought about verses 30-31. I believe "coming into a lot of money" makes you more of what your already are. If you are stingy and you come into money, you'll be rich and stingy. If you are generous and you come into money, you will be rich and generous. I think that is what v 31 is all about.

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 9

 My Bible heads this section with "Advice Concerning Women." I've looked ahead and find no similar section on advice concerning men; let's chalk it up to the culture in which it was written and remind ourselves that this advice flows towards both genders!

Ben Sria reminds us that while it is exciting to make new friends, there is great value in not forgetting our old ones. I remember a song when I was growing up: "Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold." 

Verse 14 seems to be lost on our modern world: "As much as you can, aim to know your neighbors." It seems a little harder to do in this day and age. 

Friday, March 4, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 8

 Controlling your tongue; be careful who you argue with; respect your elders (because some of us are growing old ourslelves --ouch!); financial matters, debt and co-signing; travelling companions; All in one chapter. 

These are my favorites from chapter 8:

"Do not make fun of one who is ill-bred, or your ancestors may be insulted." v4 I think Ben Sira is reminding us that people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

"Do not slight the discourses of the sages, but busy yourself with their maxims." v8 What a great reminder to do what we are doing right now--studying the wisdom of Ben Sira.

"Do not give surety (Surety is the OT word for co-signing) beyond your means; but if you give surety, be prepared to pay!" v13  I always find it interesting when people say we should not talk about money in church...God deals with all the time in scripture. Perhaps we would do well to handle our money God's way. 

Any favorites for you?

Thursday, March 3, 2022

The Wisdom of Ben Sirach Chapter 7

There is a lot of wisdom in this chapter beginning with verse 1: Do no evil and evil will never overtake you! The caution against aspiring to power in verse 4-7 is sage advice. Verse 15, "Do not hate hard labor or farm work," is particularly challenging to me as I like to tell people "My hands are made for chalices, not for callouses." 

I like the section on our relationship with others (verses18f). I also found it interesting that Ben Sira put our relationship with animals and people in the same category and even talked about the cattle first! And all of these right relationship leads down to verse 32 which reminds us to take care of the poor.

I love the nuggets of wisdom found in the book of Sirach.


Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 6

Three things strike me from today's chapter. The first is the power of friendship. I have been blessed with many friends throughout my life. Some of my friends I have known almost all my life. Others have come in recent years. But each and every one is a blessing, a sturdy shelter (verse 14). Thank you to all my friends.

The second thing that strikes me is the agrarian image for "cultivating" wisdom. I think of all the farmland in our parish boundaries and all the farmers who do much to prepare the soil for a crop. As Ben Sira says, wisdom doesn't happen without preparation "as though plowing and sowing, draw close to her." (v. 19) The words he uses in the second half of today's chapter are action words: plowing, sowing, bending...It is work, it seems, to gain wisdom. 

Finally, he ends by reminding us to frequent the company of our elders. There is great wisdom in the life experience of those who have "been there/done that"! 


Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Wisdom of Ben Sira Chapter 5

This past Friday, I attended the Archdiocesan Gala. Monsignor Paul Koetter received the Legacy Award for his 45 years of ministry in the Archdiocese. It was a great and very well deserved tribute to "Fr. Paul." For those who maybe don't know his circumstances, Fr. Paul was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease) a couple of years ago. In the video made for the event, Paul talked about how he has come to understand reliance on God when your health is taken away from you. I think that is what Ben Sira is alluding to when he says: do not rely on your strength. I imagine the same thing can happen when you rely to much on your savings or your investments and then suddenly, for whatever reason, they are gone. All of this is a reminder to me to make sure I keep my eye on the ball...that I put God first in my life and rely on the wisdom of God. Lots of other pieces of wisdom in this. Leave your thoughts in the comment section.