Saturday, May 2, 2020

A Light at the End of the Tunnel

     There is a light at the end of he tunel...and it is not on oncoming train. Governor Holcomb has announced a plan to get Indiana Back on Track. The plan is laid out in stages with Stage 5 (which begins on July 4) beign a return to normal life in Indiana. In between now and then we will see a gradual return to our normal activities. What does this mean for our parish family?

     The short answer is this: we don't know yet. Stage 2, whihc begins May 4 allows religious services to return to in house worship, however we are encouraged to continue on-line services for at least the next three weeks. We are still waiting for directions from Archbishop Thompson as to when, and under what conditions, he will allow us to return to in church Masses. I can assure you we will do it as quickly as we can do it in the safest way possible. I'm sure there will be some changes in how we do things, but it will still be great to get back together.

     I will keep you posted on the parish website and with our regular updates as to when we will gather together again in Church. Until then, God bless you all.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Fr Tom

    Right there with you!

    Christina Wheatley


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