Sunday, April 15, 2018

April 16, 2018 Chapter 35 The Uprising of Discipleship

The word disciple and the term missionary disciple has been bantered about the last few years. St. John Paul II began the discussion and Pope Benedict continued it. Pope Francis too has made it a central theme of his preaching and teaching. It is the vision I have for our parish as well. We are a community of disciples.

I like McLaren's definition of  disciple as "a follower, a student, an apprentice, one who learns by imitating the master." (page 179)

What does that look like in real life? I think it means finding ways to grow one's faith. I think it means not being content with the status quo especially in our faith journey. In many ways I think in means waking up to God's action in our lives and feeling a need to respond to that action.

I'm always touched to listen to another's story. It is especially exciting when that story involves a "catching fire" for God. I think we need to find ways to share that in our Catholic churches. We need to find ways on Sunday mornings for people to be able to witness to their faith and the ways God is acting in their lives. It is not enough for disciples to hear it from the priests. They expect to hear it there. They also need to hear it from one another.

In the prayer we call the Magnificat, Mary says this: "The Almighty has done great things for me and holy is God's name." Luke 1:49 What are the great things that God has done for you that allow you to proclaim Holy is God's Name?


  1. I like the idea of sharing more of the story of God doing something in our lives. I don't hear it often. What I notice is a lot of people going through the motions, including myself.

    We have gotten used to the tradition of mass that we forget to be present and live it.

    What I spent time thinking about from the reading what the phrase "Stop worrying about everyone else, follow me!"

    It has become rather challenging to listen to the voice within. Too many distractions and people telling you the "right" way to do things.

  2. Juan, I think you are exactly right. That is why I think we need to take a new look at how we are called to be Church. I am looking to do something at Pentecost this year to help us see how God is moving in our parish. I hope it works.


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