Monday, December 18, 2017

Monday, December 18, 2017 Chapter 17 Surprising People

It has always been interesting to me when someone points out something new about the genealogies found in the Luke and Matthew.

I was especially intrigued by the phrase "Adam, son of God" of which McLaren writes, "to be the son of is to "find your origin in."

Adam finds his origin in God and so do we. We are all created Imago Dei--In the image of God. That Jesus is also the son of God...that Jesus also finds his origin in God is, as McLaren points out, a new Adam. And all of us who climb life in him are part of that new creation.

Like the women who appear in Matthew's genealogy, we too are the surprising people of today...not always good....but always redeemed through Christ.

All of this challenges me to live as a child of God, to live in God's image.

1 comment:

  1. I found interesting how McLaren emphasized the women mention in the genealogy. The 'impure' background perspective opens up a new world for consideration.

    Not only was Jesus born in relative poverty, there are women of controversial reputation in his genealogy.


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