Note to Readers: I am still in Haiti but have scheduled this to be published on Sunday, August 27. Should be able to start approving posts tomorrow night (Monday, August 28).
Greetings Fellow Pilgrims:
Several years ago I was visiting my niece at Pepperdine University in Malibu, CA. We were sitting in the cafeteria overlooking the Pacific Ocean. It looked something like this:
It was evening and the sun was setting. We sat in silence for a long time and then Jessica said to me, "I don't understand people who think something like this is an accident!"
Isn't that the truth!
We live in an awesome world...formed at the hands of the Master Artist!
The second and third question in the reflection questions talk about discovering God in the beauty of creation. Having just returned from trip to Bryce Canyon and Zion National Parks I was amazed once again by the beauty of our country. Indeed, the heavens declare the glory of God (Psalm 19:1).
Here are a couple of pictures from Bryce (at the top) and Zion (on the bottom):
The pictures don't do them justice, but they truly are two beautiful places. What about you? What beautiful places have you seen that give glory to God, the Master Artist?
Fr. Tom