Monday, January 29, 2018

January 29, 2018  Chapter 22  Jesus the Teacher

I have always considered Jesus to be the master teacher. I guess what this chapter helped me to understand was all the different ways that he taught. I found it interesting that McLaren considered things like the Palm Sunday entry into Jerusalem and driving the money changers out of the temple to be moment of teaching. In some ways it challenges me to look at all aspects of my ministry as teachable moments.

I also liked the thought that McLaren offered in regard to a current understanding of the kingdom of God. I liked the diversity of this thought. Not only is the kingdom of God about a mutual sharing of resources, but it is also about living life to the fullest. Not only is it about freedom and community but it is also about the environment and holy aliveness.

All of this tied in well with the reading from Jeremiah--the kingdom of God is about what God has already written in our hearts: We are God's people and God is with us always as our God.

Monday, January 22, 2018

January 22, 2018  Chapter 21: Significant and Wonderful

I like this chapter because I have always wondered the best way to approach miracles in the Bible. I like McLaren's 3 alternative (see page 97). I also like the thought that miracles are signs--things that point us to other things.

When I was in seminary we had a one-year internship in a parish. It wasn't optional, it was part of the formation program. One of my classmates emailed me during that internship and attached a picture--it was a picture of the banner covering the front of the ambo (podium) at his parish. There was a clear image of the Blessed Mother on the green fabric. He talked about the fact that no one knows how the image got there, but it was clearly there. The pastor decided to remove the banner so it would not attract attention.

I'm not sure what I would do if that happened in my parish today...I tend to be skeptical about those things, however I often wondered "what if...?"

Perhaps I don't need miracles to bolster my faith. However, maybe I need them to bolster my imagination.

Monday, January 15, 2018

January 15, 2018 Chapter 20 Join the Adventure!

     The first book I read by Brian McLaren was Why Did Jesus, Moses, the Buddha, and Mohammed Cross the Road. In that book McLaren talked about how we can be strong in our own faith without demeaning the faith of others. It is so easy today to get so caught up in the "I'm right and you're wrong" mentality that we forget to be good to each other.
      I was thinking about that the other day. In a matter of a few minutes I listened to one person I admire and respect talk about why he says Merry Christmas and not Happy Holidays. A few minutes later I heard another person I respect say that people should say Happy Holidays and not Merry Christmas. I found myself thinking that I understand the logic of each, but also wondering why this became a "hot button" issue at all.
     Perhaps this is what McLaren is hinting at in his writings on page 94--to remind us that God came for all of us, not just Christians, not just Catholics, not only Jews, or Moslems, or Gentiles, or whoever. Pope Frances tries to proclaim this in his ministry; it challenges me to do the same.

Monday, January 8, 2018

January 8, 2018  Chapter 19  Jesus Coming of Age

     I recently read a book entitled Three Days: The Search for the Boy Messiah. It is an historic novel by Chris Stepien. In the book, Stepien imagines how it might have been for Jesus as a 12 year-old and going to Jerusalem with his family for Passover.
     What I liked about the book is that it gave possible thoughts to how the situation might have happened 2000 years ago. For instance, Joseph tells Jesus several times that should he get separated from him, he should make his way tot he Temple because he would be safe there. This could easily make sense then when Jesus says, "Did you not know I would be in my father's house?" In other words you told me to go there.
     His teaching in the temple, according to the imagination of Stepien, revolved around several situations in which Jesus found himself. In each of these situations Jesus, being rooted in the scriptures, used them to shed light on the subject. Everyone who saw these encounters were amazed at his wisdom.
     The book helped me to see how it might have happened and helped to make Jesus even more real for me in my life. What thoughts do you have on this chapter?